
Stay in the know with the latest industry news and advice from The Miller Group.

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February 21, 2023

The Biggest (Controllable) Reasons Your Property & Casualty Premiums Keep Rising

Positively influence your property & casualty rates by controlling certain aspects of your business.

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February 1, 2023

The Property & Casualty Insurance Nonprofits Need

Deciding what insurance nonprofits organizations should buy can be confusing. Get an idea of basic property and casualty insurance offerings to help you choose.

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February 1, 2023

Working Safely in Winter Weather

There’s little we can do to change the weather, but we can take steps to protect our employees and ensure they are safe. Be prepared for safety scenarios associated with winter weather before it arrives.

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January 31, 2023

Marijuana Legalization: Can employers still have drug testing policies and discipline those who test positive?

In this two-part series, Bill Judge and Nick Hartman from DSCI discuss marijuana legalization and the effects it can have on your insurance.

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January 31, 2023

Benefits Q&A: Do We Have to Offer COBRA Coverage During FMLA Leave?

Julie answers this month's Q&A on what to do when an employee decides to discontinue their health benefits at the beginning of FMLA leave.

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January 31, 2023

Benefits That Help Employees Manage Their Money, Not the Other Way Around

As an HR professional, you can offer programs to help employees with money issues. Here are just a few ideas.

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January 3, 2023

How Holistic Wellness Programs Help Employees Bring Their Best Self to Work

Holistic wellness isn’t just physical health. An employee’s wellbeing is best when all aspects of health are in balance.

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January 3, 2023

Inflation Drives 2023 Property & Casualty Rate Increases

Inflation is driving rate hikes for property & casualty in 2023 – and for all insurance carriers.

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January 3, 2023

6 Strategies to Avoid OSHA Citations

Many OSHA citations are avoidable. Here are a 6 ways to prevent OSHA citations and create a safe workplace for employees.

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January 3, 2023

Benefits Q&A: How Do FMLA Policies & Processes Apply to Benefits?

Reworking FMLA policies and processes are never easy. Julie Athey provides clear answers in this month's Benefits Q&A.

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December 5, 2022

Benefits Q&A: Can We Delay Coverage if an Employee Returns from Leave Mid-Month?

Julie Athey answers a question on the protocol for delayed coverage when an employee returns from leave mid-month.

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December 5, 2022

How “Stop Work Authority” Helps Prevent Accidents in the Workplace

Stop Work Authority programs give employees the responsibility and obligation to stop working if they see unsafe behavior conditions. Here’s a look at what SWA is and its 6-step process.

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