Benefits Q&A: Do We Still Provide FMLA with Less Than 50 Employees?
November 2, 2021
You can offer FMLA to employees after you drop below 50 employees. And, depending on the specific factors, you may be required to.
You can offer FMLA to employees after you drop below 50 employees. And, depending on the specific factors, you may be required to.
I understand the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) applies to employers with 50 or more employees for at least 20 consecutive weeks in a calendar year. Our company has not had 50 employees since December of 2020, so I don’t believe it technically applies to us at this time. My question is whether we can still offer FMLA to eligible employees even though we’ve fallen below 50 employees? We are not sure when we will get back to that number.
Not only can you continue offering FMLA to employees after you drop below 50 employees, but depending on the specific facts you may be required to. Here’s why.
When determining whether you hit the 20-employee mark, make sure you count all employees, including part-time, seasonal, temporary and anyone out on leave.
For additional information, check out the Employer’s Guide to The Family and Medical Leave Act from the Department of Labor.