Benefits Q&A: FSA Funds Did Not Make It to Employees In Time
A company didn't transfer FSA funds into employee accounts until two weeks before the spending deadline. Here's how to right the wrong.
Check out the blog post
November 2, 2021
Benefits Q&A: Do We Still Provide FMLA with Less Than 50 Employees?
You can offer FMLA to employees after you drop below 50 employees. And, depending on the specific factors, you may be required to.
Check out the blog post
August 3, 2021
Benefits Q&A: Can a Spouse Be Added to COBRA Coverage?
In general, spouses and dependents may enroll in COBRA in three circumstances. Director of Compliance Julie Athey has the details.
Check out the blog post
June 7, 2021
Benefits Q&A: What if an Employee Accidentally Fails to Cancel Coverage?
IRS officials have frequently commented that elections may be corrected when there is clear and convincing evidence of a mistake when canceling coverage.
Check out the blog post
March 5, 2021
Benefits Q&A: When Should Medical Child Support Be Made Effective?
Question: We have an employee who just started working for us in September 2020. Although he became eligible for benefits…
Check out the blog post
February 3, 2021
Benefits Q&A: Can an Employer Drop a 65+ Employee Off Its Group Plan?
Can an employer drop an employee from its group health plan at age 65? Probably not. There are two keys laws to keep in mind.
Check out the blog post
December 10, 2020
Benefits Q&A: FMLA For Inactive Employees
Does an employee's renewed eligibility for FMLA allow him to hop back onto the company’s benefits as an active employee, even though he hasn’t actually returned to work?