Captive Insurance

Turn Your Insurance into a Revenue Stream

When you keep your company’s insurance claims under control, you’re helping pay for the losses of other companies that have more claims. It’s time to turn that picture around with the help from a captive insurance program. Realize the full rewards of a well-run program by joining a captive.

What is a Group Insurance Captive?

A group captive is a captive insurance company owned by organizations rather than a single business.

If you are privately held, have a good financial track record, and want more control over your claims or benefit plans, you should consider looking into joining a captive as an alternative funding solution.

Experienced Captive Advisors Guide the Process

Not all brokers understand or sell captives. You deserve a broker who has been in the commercial and employee benefit captive environment for over two decades. Gain a partner who has strong relationships with some of the most established captives in the country and has helped many clients save more than thousands of dollars.

Commercial Captives

Don’t be penalized with higher premiums simply because of the nature of your industry and the poor safety records of other companies. Commercial captives can be the cost-containment strategy you need. Captives are for those who place safety as a top priority and are interested in seeing their unused insurance funds returned to their bottom line.

With in-house financial analytic resources, we’ll deliver a preliminary assessment of your current coverage and claims situation. This fact-based analysis provides the first step in determining if a captive option is right for you.

Employee Benefit Captives

By joining a captive specifically for employee benefits, you’ll be able to self-insure by pooling your risk with other like-minded employers. These captives are designed to help manage your risk, lessen price volatility and reduce long-term costs. Gain upper-end protection for catastrophic claims, while staying in full control of your plan design, including carriers, networks and pharmacy providers.

Why Captives?

Works for Companies Big and Small

Over 50% of total U.S. premiums currently go into self-insured and captive programs. Historically recognized as a vehicle for fortune 500 companies, group captives have now become a valuable tool for middle market companies as well.

Unused Loss Funds Provide Bottom Line Success

Captive members can create a 30%-40% return on what is a major expense. Clients have seen a significant reduction in the cost of their insurance when compared to traditional markets, unused loss funds provide investment income as well.

Get Rewarded for Safety

Premiums are determined in large part by the safety record of your industry – not your specific company results. As a captive member, you’ll be rewarded for putting in place the safety policies and practices that help ensure outstanding claims performance.

Learn From High Performers

Captives don’t let just anyone in as a member. There is a rigorous application and vetting process that determines ownership. Once in, you’ll meet regularly with other like-minded business owners and learn from the best.

You Take Control

As a captive member, you are in control of when and how claims are paid. With more responsibility you have the ability for tighter claims management than in a traditional insurance setting.

Predictable Insurance costs

Big swings in cost of insurance can wreak havoc on the budget process and planned growth. As a captive member, you’ll be able to map out a long-term plan and have more confidence in your risk management expenses projections.

Let’s Talk About Risk


Obtain a preliminary assessment of your current coverage and claims situation.


Discuss results from assessment to see if joining a captive is the right direction for you.

Gain a Partner

We’re not just a broker, we’re your partner. You’ll have an accessible team to guide you through the process of joining a captive.

Take Back Control

Take charge of your insurance claims and health plan while learning from other like-minded business owners in your captive.

Client Experiences

Check out the case study

October 7, 2022

Reserves Nearing $1,000,000 is One of Several Benefits From Captive Participation

An oil and pipeline maintenance company used its strong safety record to minimize overhead and join a captive.

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