Blogs: Property & Casualty

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January 3, 2023

6 Strategies to Avoid OSHA Citations

Many OSHA citations are avoidable. Here are a 6 ways to prevent OSHA citations and create a safe workplace for employees.

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December 5, 2022

How “Stop Work Authority” Helps Prevent Accidents in the Workplace

Stop Work Authority programs give employees the responsibility and obligation to stop working if they see unsafe behavior conditions. Here’s a look at what SWA is and its 6-step process.

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November 1, 2022

Top 6 Priorities to Focus on in an Emergency

An emergency can happen anytime, even during the typical start to the morning, afternoon, or evening. Sometimes there are warning signs. Other times, it can feel like the emergency came out of nowhere.

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October 3, 2022

Utilizing CPTED to Protect Against Property Crime

All businesses can benefit from Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). Deter crime on your property by using landscaping and building design to create a safer space.

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August 2, 2022

Building a Response Program for Workplace Violence

Learn the keys to building a response program to prepare and respond to workplace violence from Director of Safety Aaron Paris.

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June 30, 2022

The Hazards of Hauling Cargo

Aaron Paris highlights the hazards of hauling cargo and includes tips to help secure your next load in this months safety blog.

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May 31, 2022

The Golden Gate Bridge: Innovating Worksite Safety

Learn the quick history of the Golden Gate Bridge and how it's construction innovated worksite safety of today.

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April 7, 2022

How Working Long Hours Impacts Safety

Working long hours impact the safety of employees. Aaron Paris discusses the types of impact and ways to create a safer work environment.

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February 1, 2022

Providing First Aid When Help is Miles Away

Understanding worksite risks, combined with providing first aid training, gives your crew the best chance to saving a colleague.

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January 5, 2022

How the “Hierarchy of Controls” Can Help Nonprofits Boost Employee Safety

Start by composing a list of tasks, situations and objects presenting the most danger to employees. Then, use the Hierarchy of Controls to see what changes are possible.

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May 5, 2021

Safety Q&A: Is There a Need for Tourniquets in the Workplace?

Equipping your team with the proper tools is important for all the tasks we ask them to do. It should be no different with safety equipment, including tourniquets.

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